Rob Kraft's Software Development Blog

Software Development Insights

Archive for February, 2012

Get started using FxCop against your nightly build without first resolving all the violations

Posted by robkraft on February 13, 2012

FxCop is one of the best known free static code analysis tools available for .Net software. Version 10.0 of FxCop was published in June of 2010 and is available for download here ( FxCop is easy to install and use to analysze your code for potential problems, but I think the real value of FxCop is when you run it every night against your nightly build and receive a report via email of new violations recently introduced in your code. I have long believed this to be the best use and value of FxCop, but only recently implemented it. And the reason I only recently implemented nightly scans of our code using FxCop is because when I run the tool I get a report with thousands of violations. Ouch! Are all these violations things I really need to fix? The answer for me, and likely the answer for you, is no. However, a lot of the violations should be fixed.

I think of the violations in these groups:

  • Violations like misspelled words that are not misspelled, but just need to be added to a custom dictionary so that they are no longer flagged as violations.
  • Violations that could, and would, cause problems if that bit of code was ever used in ways others than intended, but I know that won’t happen.
  • Violations that would be problems if the software runs in other countries using different languages, different date/time formatting, etc.
  • Violations that really are problems we should fix.
  • Violations that represent waste such as methods that are never called.

So, as I stated we have thousands of violations across all of our code, but I didn’t want to implement the nightly FxCop scan until all of those were resolved. If you look at the categories I used for the problems, many of the violations are not worth our time to resolve because we have more valuable work to do right now. So how could we begin using FxCop regularly, without fixing all the problems? We did it by disabling rule checking for all the rules that were currently failing. Then we set up the automated job to run FxCop every night against our compiled assemblies. Doing it this way gives us a starting point, and it keeps us from violating many of the rules defined in FxCop. Our next step is to begin turning on rules and fixing them one by one. Of course we will start with the important or easy violations and work our way down the list until we have them all re-enabled.

From a high-level perspective, you have to perform just two steps:

  1. Build your FxCop project files that analyze your assemblies and ignore failing rules.
  2. Build your nightly batch job to run against all the assemblies and email results to you.

Some tips before you begin:

  • Tip #1 – Use the same directory path for the DLLs you analyze with FxCop on both your developer PCs and your build machine. FxCop stores the path to the DLLs you select in the .FxCop configuration file. If the path is the same between your developer PC and the build PC, then you can easily configure FxCop on your PC and it will run without modification on the build computer.
  • Tip #2 – Do not plan to use one .FxCop project to scan all your assemblies unless you have just 10 or 20 assemblies. At some point, .FxCop fails to work when too many assemblies are loaded.
  • Tip #3 – FxCop does not work on Silverlight projects.

Here are the steps I recommend:

  • Step #1 – Add all the assemblies for your logical group into the .FxCop project and analyze them. Logically group the DLLs and Executables you analyze.
  • Step #2 – Copy the CustomDictionary.xml file provided by FxCop into the folder you with your FxCop projects, modify the CustomDictionary to recognize some of your acronyms and names as valid – not violations.
  • Step #3 – Sort the results of the analysis by Rule, then from the Rules tab go through and deselect all the rules that you have violations for. Save the .FxCop project file.
  • Step #4-n – Use the .FxCop file you saved as the starting point for the next group of assemblies you desire to analyze (save it with a different name of course). Exclude all the targets from the first analysis and add your new set of targets.
  • Step #5 – We use nant in our nightly processes, and nant includes a task specifically for running FxCop. Here is how we do it. Create a batch file to run nant:
REM This next line appends the FxCop directory to the existing path so we can run FxCop from any folder
PATH %path%;c:\program files\microsoft fxcop 10.0
C:\WINDOWS\system32\nant.bat fxcop -logger:NAnt.Core.MailLogger
  • Step #6 – Configure an nant .build file for executing FxCop. Ours looks something like this:
  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <project name="FXCOP" default="build"  xmlns="">
    	<property name="MailLogger.mailhost" value="" />
    	<property name="MailLogger.from" value="" />
    	<property name="MailLogger.success.notify" value="true" />
    	<property name="" value="" />
    	<property name="" value="" />
    	<property name="MailLogger.success.subject" value="FXCop Violations" />
    	<property name="MailLogger.failure.subject" value="FXCop Build Failure" />
    	<property name="MailLogger.success.attachments" value="MailLogger.success.files" />
    	<fileset id="MailLogger.success.files">
    		<include name="ProjectGroup1.html" />
    		<include name="ProjectGroup2.html" />
    	<!-- this loads any required dependencies that nAnt needs to do all of our tasks-->
    	<loadtasks assembly="C:\Program Files\nAnt\Contrib\bin\NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll" />
    <target name="fxcop">
    	<fxcop analysisReportFilename="ProjectGroup1.html" applyOutXsl="true" includeSummaryReport="true" projectFile="MinimalRulesGroup1.FxCop"/>
    	<fxcop analysisReportFilename="ProjectGroup2.html" applyOutXsl="true" includeSummaryReport="true" projectFile="MinimalRulesGroup2.FxCop"/>
  • Step #7 – Over time, enable rules in FxCop and resolve the violations that arise. Eventually, hopefully, you will be able to get all of your code to pass all FxCop rules.

On a final note, I’d like to make sure you are aware that you can also write your own FxCop rules to ensure the code your team is written follows your shop standards.

Posted in CodeProject, Coding, Dev Environment, Process | 1 Comment »

Use a SQL script to generate well formatted stored procedures in SQL Server

Posted by robkraft on February 9, 2012

Occasionally you realize that you desire to create a lot of stored procedures, and that the information to build each stored procedure is contained within the database.  But how can you best generate the code from the data?  Well, assuming you like SQL, you can probably use SQL to generated your SQL.

Here is an example of doing just that, along with a few tips to make the code you generate human-readable.

  • Use char(13) + char(10) to wrap your output to the next line.
  • Use char(9) to indent by one tab.
  • Create one line of output for each line of your code-generating SQL script.
  • First write the query that obtains the values you need for code generation without generating the code to make sure you have the correct result set.
  • Generate your output to text, then copy the output into a new query window and it should look great!

This example creates a stored procedure for each table in your database.  Each stored procedure will query the first integer column in the table and return the first row with an integer value greater than the value you passed in.  This particular script will probably not be useful to you, and you may not like the way I formatted my output, but my only intent is to provide you a nice starting point for doing something like this to meet your own needs.  This should work on most versions of SQL Server.  Enjoy!

'CREATE PROCEDURE mysp_' + i.TABLE_NAME + 'FIRSTCOL ' + char(13) + char(10)
+ '(' + char(13) + char(10)
+ char(9) + '@' + i.COLUMN_NAME + ' int ' + char(13) + char(10)
+ ')' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'AS' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'BEGIN' + char(13) + char(10)
+ char(9) + 'SET NOCOUNT ON' + char(13) + char(10)
+ char(9) + 'DECLARE @Err int' + char(13) + char(10)
+ '/*Comment-Begin*/' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'SELECT ' + i.COLUMN_NAME + char(13) + char(10)
+ char(9) + 'FROM ' + char(13) + char(10)
+ char(9) + char(9) + i.TABLE_NAME + char(13) + char(10)
+ ' WHERE ' + char(13) + char(10)
+ char(9) + char(9) + i.COLUMN_NAME + ' &gt; @' + i.COLUMN_NAME + char(13) + char(10)
+ '/*Comment-End*/' + char(13) + char(10)
+ char(9) + 'SET @Err = @@Error' + char(13) + char(10)
+ char(9) + 'RETURN @Err' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'END' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'GO' + char(13) + char(10)
+ char(13) + char(10)
+ 'GRANT EXEC ON ' + 'mysp_' + i.TABLE_NAME + 'FIRSTCOL ' + 'TO everyone' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'GO' + char(13) + char(10)
+ char(13) + char(10)
+ char(13) + char(10)

Posted in CodeProject, Coding, SQL Server | 4 Comments »

Use Root Cause Analysis for Defect Prevention in your Software Development Process

Posted by robkraft on February 5, 2012

Recently I decided to review all the bugs we fixed in our last release to determine if they originated from a few common causes.  In software development, there is not a lot of data that can be mined that may provide insight into actions to take to improve software development, but I thought this might be one.  We fixed about 40 bugs in the last release, and I can tell you right now that my analysis has not lead to any significant changes in the way we develop software.  This is not because we didn’t find areas that could benefit from improvement, it is just because, in our case, attempting to make improvements to reduce the source of the bugs is not currently more valuable than other tasks we can be working on.

Of the bugs we found, I considering them to be “coding flaws”,  “configuration flaws”, “design flaws”, “process flaws”, or “requirements flaws”.  I realize that my technique is crude and I have very little data to draw definite conclusions from, but this is an exercise that anyone on a project team can perform if you are tracking the defects fixed in a release.  You may find patterns that help you identify aspects of software development most in need of improvement.  An excellent paper based on a lot of software development data at NASA is online here:  The goal of the study in the paper, and my goal is well, was to use this “root cause analysis” to determine ways to prevent and reduce defects in the software.  Given that excellent article provides much more detail than I enter into here, I recommend that you read it if you are really interested in improving your development processes through root cause analysis of your bugs.

I will add here, a list of reasons that I came up with for the sources of bugs in our code:

18% – Coding Flaws.  The programmer did not think the issue was a bug, or the programmer did not test the issue thoroughly, or the programmer felt it was insignificant and lacked the time to address the problem.

39% – Coding Flaws.  The programmer should have noticed the problem.  But perhaps senior developers or business analysts should have provided a junior developer more training and input so that the junior developer would have recognized this as a problem.

3% – Coding Flaws.  The bug is a bug in 3rd party software we use (in this case Microsoft), that we need to wait for them to fix, or rewrite the feature.

5% – Coding Flaws.  The programmer should have just provided an error message to the user that is easier to understand.  Perhaps the message provided should always be determined by a business analyst.

5% – Coding Flaws.  A known bug was released.  The bug had minor impact and the cost to fixing it was high, as was the cost of delaying the release.

8% – Configuration Flaws.  We use code generation for much of our code.  The business analysts made mistakes that led to improperly generated code.

5% – Design Flaws.  The design did not allow for a feature to work as it needed to in some situations.

8% – Process Flaws.  We don’t test 100% of the User Interface possibilities in our application because the time required makes it impractical.  However, such testing is unnecessary for most of the code as long as we follow our processes for development.  In a few cases, we failed to follow the correct processes.

3% – Requirements Flaws.  The developer was not aware that the feature was desired.

3% – Requirements Flaws.  The requirements provided to the developer were incorrect.

3% – Requirements Flaws.  We removed a feature from the software that we thought was not being used, but it was and we had to re-add it.

We also improved performance in the last release.  Another way to phrase that is that we fixed performance problems.  It is difficult to decide if improving performance is fixing a bug or not when it doesn’t violate a clear service level agreement.  A code change is not always objectively a bug fix or an enhancement.  If the client believes it was in the original specification, the client will say the missing feature is a bug; but if the developer thinks the feature was not in the specification, then the developer will consider the addition of it in the next release to be an enhancement.  Just part of the joys of software development.

Posted in Code Design, CodeProject, Process, Project Management | 10 Comments »

Send SQL Server query results as nicely formatted emails in Outlook

Posted by robkraft on February 4, 2012

I find myself sending the results of a lot of SQL queries I run in SQL Server Management Studio via e-mail to co-workers.  The problem is, that the email content often looks terrible when I paste it into outlook from SQL Server Management Studio.

However, I have found that I can make it look better using the following steps.

  1. Run the query and let the output results go to grid (the default for most people).
  2. Right-click in the results and select ‘Copy with Headers’.
  3. Open Excel and paste the results.
  4. Click in the upper left corner of the Excel grid to select all rows and columns.
  5. Double-click between any two columns (A and B) to resize the widths of all columns.
  6. Select the “Center Text” alignment so that all column values are centered, rather than the default left-justified.
  7. Now copy all the contents of the Excel spreadsheet and paste the results into the body of your email in Outlook.

I find the results usually look pretty decent.  Can you provide me a way to do this that is easier?

Posted in Process, SQL Server | Leave a Comment »